Stop Real ID Coalition

...because sovereign security matters

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Help Strengthen America's Sovereign Security               Learn What You Can Do Today

Mark Lerner will be Speaking at the Freedom 21 Conference

in Oklahoma City August 13-15

URGENT CALL To ACTION - Take Action Today !!! THE PASS ACT - S.1261

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A.K.A.:   THE PASS ACT -  S.1261

 - - - News Video follows article - - -

I have spent the last few days burning up the phone lines discussing the newly proposed “PASS Act”.  I have had conversations with organizations around the country about the PASS Act.  I have also spoke with staff committee people and others in Washington D.C. about the PASS Act. 

Both the ACLU and the ACLJ are opposing the Real ID Act and the PASS Act.   (The ACLU and the ACLJ are the most prominent legal organizations on the ”left” and “right” respectively.)

Special interests groups are trying to force Democrats, Independents and Republicans to support this legislation.  States have been and are working to ensure driver’s licenses are secure documents and have document integrity.  The federal government, in spite of the states, wants to set international standards that are not needed.  The federal government wants control of your state driver’s license.  The federal government is bribing states to go along with its plans. 

Our freedom and our rights are not for sale.

Some governors want to take the bribe money.  The First, Fourth and Tenth Amendments are under attack.  The Second Amendment will follow.  This is not a partisan issue.  All Americans must take action now.  Phone numbers are provided at the end of this email.  16 calls per American, 16 minutes (one minute per call) for a Lifetime of Freedom.


  • The PASS Act does not repeal the Real ID Act. It does repeal provisions of the Real ID Act; those provisions that are included in Title II of the Real ID Act 2005.  The Real ID Act is still intact and is federal law.
  • The PASS Act contains many of the most egregious aspects of the Real ID Act; including the requirement for a digital facial image/photograph that will be mandated to be internationally facial recognition compatible. 
  • There is not a federal law that prohibits the simultaneous use of CCTV/surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology in real time.
  • The PASS Act will do nothing to provide a higher level of National security.  Under the provisions of the PASS Act the documents used to obtain a driver’s license are not authenticated.  These documents are called “breeder” documents.
  • Although requirements for new databases and the linking of databases are not part of the PASS Act the fact remains through and NLETS states can still have information contained in their state Department of Motor Vehicles made available to both federal and international law enforcement agencies without a court order. 
  • Two international agencies (AAMVA and the ICAO, an agency of the United Nations) were involved in U.S. policy and law - the Real ID Act 2005 and the newly proposed PASS Act.  DHS has called AAMVA the “hub” and “backbone” of the Real ID Act.  On AAMVA’s own web-site it proclaims it is an international organization that serves law enforcement and motor vehicle administrators.

  • Both the Real ID Act and the PASS Act result in Americans being enrolled into a single global biometric identification system that links a person’s body to their ability to buy and sell.

We are running out of time.  Calls must be made ASAP. 

The senate committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will be considering the legislation very soon.  The committee members and their phone numbers are listed below.  Ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers, relatives and everyone else you have contact with to make the calls as well. 



  1. We are opposed to the Real ID Act and the PASS Act
  2. We are opposed to being enrolled into a biometric identification system
  3. We do not want our social security numbers in state DMV databases
  4. We do not want RFID chips in our drivers licenses
  5. We are opposed to the federal government intervening in the issuance of state driver’s licenses


Senator Lieberman  (202) 224-4041  Chairman

Senator Collins           (202) 224-2523

Senator Akaka            (202) 224-6361

Senator Bennet           (202) 224-5852

Senator Burris             (202) 224-2854

Senator Carper            (202) 224-2441

Senator Coburn           (202) 224-5754

Senator Ensign           (202) 224-6244

Senator Graham         (202) 224-5972
Senator Landrieu        (202) 224-5824

Senator Levin             (202) 224-6221

Senator McCain         (202) 224-2235

Senator McCaskill     (202) 224-6154

Senator Pryor            (202) 224-2353

Senator Tester           (202) 224-2644

Senator Voinovich      (202) 224-3353


UPDATE:  (3 JUL 2009 7:30pm)  It has been brought to our attention that YOU are doing it!  We have learned that, as of July 3rd 11 am CST, most of these phone answering devices are full!  Great job!  (They will be emptied out during business hours, and we need to keep this up.)  Please continue to call until you can speak to someone or leave a message.  It is important that they garner a true sense about how many are concerned and what we are concerned about.  If we stop now, and presume they understand our position, we would be mis-leading ourselves.  They sincerely need YOU to contact them personally.  In that manner they can determine the strength of our message.   This UPDATE provided by Steve Meyer

One Further Point:  (3 JUL 2009 7:30pm)  It has been our experience, in our dealings with legislators, that making this personal phone call works.  Unlike email messages that are often easy to overlook and delete, when their phone lines light up and they have to deal with each and every single one of you "right now", that GETS THEIR ATTENTION.  So please, make the phone calls and stand fast in not using email in lieu of the personal phone call. Thanks so much, Steve Meyer




Mark Lerner interviewed by Gary Franchi, of Lone Lantern and RTR, about the PASS ACT.




Real ID Not Being Repealed, if S.1261 Passes

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Click here: - S. 1261, A bill to repeal title II of the REAL ID Act of 2005 and amend title II of the Home

Download   "ISO/IEC CD 19794-5, annex D"   here.

You can find Bill S.1261 here.


I have been on the phone all day today, speaking with the "experts" in D.C.. 


Please read this completely. Here is what is now clear:


1)  Real ID is not being repealed.  Title II of the Real ID Act is being repealed.  This means current state laws opposing Real ID are still germane.  That is the only good news.


2)  Even the "experts" were not aware of the requirement for specific resolution/pixel count for the digital facial image.  I did supply them with the appropriate document that details the requirements.  ISO/IEC CD 19794-5, annex D is the specific document referred to within the NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) for the Real ID Act. 


“To provide some perspective on how much reading a person would have to do to find what we are sharing-there are 12 annexes to ISO/IEC 19794-5.  Before a person got to the point of reading the 12 annexes they would have to go to ICAO document 9303 Part 1,Vol 2.  In total one would have to read thousands of pages to uncover the deceit being promulgated on the American public and yes, even lawmakers in Washington D.C..”, stated Mark Lerner. 


Congress and staff members are never going to read all the documents.  The reality is that they rely on DHS (Department of Homeland Security) who in return relies on the vendors and international organizations, such as AAMVA (American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators) and the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)


AAMVA, actually admits on it's own web-site that it is an international organization .


ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) is an agency of the United Nations.


3)  DHS(Department of Homeland Security) has admitted privately that they do not have the technological expertise and must rely on the vendors and international organizations. 


4)  Some groups that have been and are opposed to Real ID will support the PASS Act S.1261 because unlike the Real ID Act, S.1261 requires DHS to address privacy concerns.  That being said the groups that will and are supporting S.1261 admit there is no assurance of how precisely DHS will address the privacy concerns.


5)  The language for S.1261 is not available yet on Thomas (site to read legislation).  I do have a final draft.  I was told the final draft should be the final version, but that being said, we will have to wait and day or two to read the wording in S.1261. 


<!--[if !supportLists]-->6)      <!--[endif]-->Most importantly-There is nothing to preclude DHS, or other federal agencies and departments, from utilizing facial recognition, CCTV and other technologies simultaneously in real time. 


 "Other" technologies include DHS's Project Hostile Intent now called FAST (Future Attribute Screening Technologies).


<!--[if !supportLists]-->7)      <!--[endif]-->As I am calling each of the "players" I am in contact with I am hearing the same logic.  “They are supporting the new legislation because they believe the only choice they have is to support The Real ID Act 2005 or this new legislation which repeals only certain aspects of the Real ID Act 2005 but does address privacy concerns.  The specifics of how the privacy concerns will be addressed will be in the rulemaking process for the new legislation S.1261.”


Here is How This Plays Out:


DHS will again be the arm of the federal government for the rulemaking process.  I was told today the rulemaking process for S.1261 is a non negotiated process.  This means once again DHS will be the sole decider.  Each of the people and groups I have spoke with today admit they are acquiescing by not arguing that the federal government has no business involving itself in the issuance of a state driver's license.  Each group and/or person also admits there must be a modification to the 1994 DPPA (Driver's Privacy Protection Act).  The 1994 DPPA is the federal law which allows for agencies and departments of the federal government to acquire information from state DMV databases.  States allow and do share information through NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) with federal agencies and departments.  Specifically information contained in state DMV databases is shared with federal agencies and departments. 


One point that was very clear to me today-Not only is DHS relying on vendors, including L-1 Identity Solutions for details but that organizations who are opposing Real ID do not have the technical expertise to understand what specifically the Real ID Act and/or the new legislation S.1261 call for with regard to biometrics. 


I realize many of you are involved in issues other than The Real ID Act 2005.  I pray that everyone appreciates this new legislation is the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing I have been talking about for over six months.  This legislation presents the single greatest threat to our civil liberties that I have witnessed in my lifetime.  Specifically what this legislation will do is allow for the creation of a surveillance society.  Real ID did the same but because Real ID never even made an attempt to address privacy issues it was doomed to failure.  This wolf in sheep's clothing will get passed.  The irony is the only people in D.C. who are opposing the new legislation are those that feel the new bill is not tough enough.  It is noteworthy to know that the NGA (National Governors Association) participated in the creation of the new legislation, S.1261.  What this means is there will be very few Governors that will now oppose Real ID.  Governors that go along with S.1261 are nothing short of traitors.  Ignorance is not an excuse.  They should have demanded answers or at least consulted with people that truly understand what DHS is going after and will now obtain.


I predict that you that you will hear "experts" and others commenting on the new legislation and what it means.  You will not find one organization that does comment, who has the expertise to appreciate the biometric requirement.  Repeatedly today I have heard "I did not know that, can you please send me the document"."  (the document is attached to this message)


I have attached the document (click here to download this document) that specifically states the standards for the digital facial image.  On page 34 of the document you will find section 8.4.1.


There is no need for you to waste your time reading the entire document.  You will not find this document on any group/organization's web-site that is opposing Real ID.


We are not looking for glory or recognition.  What we are saying is there is nobody else looking for what we are discussing, the biometric specifics contained within the Real ID Act and associated documents including the new legislation. S.1261. 


We are doing our best to get the information in the hands of the public, lawmakers, the media and groups/organizations.  I pray to God that we are successful because if we are not our society will never be the same. 


We have maintained from day 1 that Real ID was not about national security.  It is insane to believe the federal government was concerned about national security while still leaving our borders unprotected.  Today we have further evidence.  Under the provisions of S.1261 a citizen no longer must show a compliant driver's license to board an aircraft, enter a federal building and so on.  You may believe that it is good that a person will no longer have to show a Real ID compliant driver's license.  I would agree.  That being said the more important point is what still is required is the collection of biometric samples (facial recognition/digital facial images).  It has always been about biometrics and control. 


Whatever the issue of most importance is to you or your groups please consider how greatly people will be intimidated from attending rallies like Tea Parties or even going to their state capitols when CCTV and facial recognition are being used in real time, simultaneously.  The federal government and fusion centers have already started defining who is potentially a domestic terrorist or is in fact a domestic terrorist.  The intimidation may not influence all or even the majority of activists but it certainly will influence the public as a whole.  Always keep in mind that the use of CCTV and facial recognition simultaneously used in real time is not Orwellian.  Since January 2001 the two technologies have been used simultaneously in real time many times.  Now add to the mix DHS's FAST software (Project Hostile Intent)  and the sensors the DOD is using to monitor how much a person perspires and there should be no doubt most citizens will be too intimidated to voice their views.


The old Soviet Union or the current Red China soon will have nothing on our government. 


All Americans, including you and I, will be enrolled into a single global biometric identification system if we are not successful at stopping this madness. 


Whether your issue is gun rights, immigration, religious freedom, Sustainable Development, Tenth Amendment legislation, Fourth Amendment, property rights or any combination of these issues, I ask that you focus considerable effort on stopping the Real ID Act 2005 and the language added from S.1261.  If we all do not do as I suggest our ability to educate other citizens and rally them to our own individual causes will be greatly diminished.  Intimidation is a very powerful tool to gain control of the people. 





Mark Lerner



God Bless America




More Groups Working Together against the Real ID

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I just got back from a meeting of 30 or so groups/organizations.  I left very encouraged by the willingness of the people in attendance to work together.  We at the Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance often ask, if we cannot work together, how can we expect others to work with us?
The question of what will or will not happen regarding the Real ID Act 2005 is still up in the air.  I was in Washington D.C. very recently, meeting with the "right" people to attempt to get a handle on what is going to happen with The Real ID Act 2005.  What is apparent is that the "wolf" is going to come back dressed in sheep's clothing.  I am fairly sure the Real ID Act will be repealed, but I'm equally sure that it will be replaced with something that is just as egregious. 
I find it disturbing, to say the least, that the NGA (National Governors Association) is participating in discussions with the U.S. Senate and others about exactly what should replace Real ID.  By participating in these discussions the NGA is legitimizing the idea that the federal government should be involved in the issuance of a state driver's license. 
We at the Coalition are working on finishing a book/pamphlet that will be available by mid-June.  Within the book/pamphlet will be our thoughts, observations, experiences and solutions as to what we believe the threats will be that are coming out of the federal government. We are focusing on issues, not people or political parties. 
Last year we were in roughly one out of every two states.  This year we are already on pace to be in more states than last year.  We will continue to offer legislation, support that legislation by providing testimony and working with grassroots efforts and yes, even the mainstream media to insure our voice, your voice is heard and respected.  We expect very soon our supporters will see how our efforts to work with the mainstream media are paying off.
We want to thank everyone for their support.  This is a "team" effort. 

The Battle In The States: Freedom Vs Protection

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The Battle In The States: Freedom Vs Protection


 Tom DeWeese and Mark Lerner


Across the nation, state legislatures are struggling to take back their Constitutional rights as they also seek ways to protect us from outside threats. This has led to some near schizophrenic legislative sessions with laws swinging widely from left to right.


Making it more difficult to get a handle on the situation is the fact that there has been an outgrowth of near “rabid” anti-immigration groups that have sprung up demanding near-Hitler-style tactics to “fix” the problem. While the situation is certainly serious and demands action, these groups openly admit that they are willing to surrender their liberties if that is what it takes to end illegal immigration. They may deeply regret that cavalier dismissal of liberty. Once lost, it is rarely regained.     


To address these issues, three very distinct, but widely variant legislative actions have appeared in the states. 


 First, legislation dealing with protecting the integrity of the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty has been introduced across the nation, passing in at least 21 states. The states are reacting to the frightening growth of the federal government through anti-terrorist legislation such as the Patriot Act and Real ID, as well as the outrageous spending included in the bailout and stimulus bills.          


Second, to address the illegal immigration issue, legislation in many states would provide state law enforcement with the ability to share information through direct electronic access. Many law-enforcement agencies are eagerly supporting such legislation. Yet, this type of legislation clearly contradicts the intent of the states sovereignty effort.  


Third, again racing back to the other side to protect personal privacy from federal surveillance, there is legislation introduced to prohibit the collection of biometric samples/data, social security numbers and the use of RFID chips in state driver's licenses.


One might ask, what do these pieces of legislation have to do with one another?  They each go to the heart of a battle being waged across our country to decide how much Constitutional power the federal government has to collect, retain and share the personal information of each citizen, and how much power it has to force states to provide it?


Tenth Amendment legislation is exactly what the name implies – that states have Constitutionally-guaranteed rights and powers. It puts the federal government on notice that states will not act as its surrogates. The legislation unequivocally tells the federal government that its power comes from the citizens and the states and that federal powers are limited and defined rather than unlimited and arbitrary. 


Fusion Centers


As for those patriots who believe the illegal immigration is so dire that liberty should be thrown on the bonfire, perhaps they need to better understand what they are demanding. 


Legislation introduced in several state legislatures, and currently in debate, allows state and local law-enforcement agencies to have direct access to one another's databases. Some of the anti-immigration patriots might see it is as prudent legislation until one takes a closer look. 


Most states now have Fusion Centers.  Fusion Centers were originally intended to allow local and state law-enforcement to work alongside federal officers so that activity suspected of being terrorist related could be identified and responded to by all three law  enforcement entities in a coordinated manner.  Fusion Centers have representatives of all three working side-by-side in one office. 


 Fusion Centers are funded primarily by the federal government. Some believe them to be an effective tool to fight terrorism with little that one could find objectionable. The problem is, Fusion Centers have overstepped their intended purpose. This is typical when dealing with the issue of technology and invasive databases. Mission creep is just too easy.


In state after state we see Fusion Centers focusing on all suspected criminal activity, including misdemeanors.  Some would ask you to believe that the mountain of information about citizens being accumulated actually stays within the borders of a state unless a citizen is suspected of terrorist activity.  However, the Fusion Center in Oklahoma has been directed to develop procedures for the sharing of information with the FBI and DHS. 


This means that direct electronic access is not limited to just state law enforcement agencies and departments.  Since local, state and federal authorities are working together, there is no plausible reason to believe federal law enforcement will not gain access to all information a state law enforcement or local law enforcement authority would have. 


The Missouri Outrage


All citizens should take note of a document produced in Missouri by that state’s Fusion Center. That document targeted activists, including supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr. It directed Missouri law enforcement to give special attention to those holding such political beliefs and consider them to be a security risk and potential domestic terrorists. According to the same document, members of militias should also be singled out. According to the Missouri report, anyone advocating limited government and objecting to the massive growth of the federal government is to be considered a security risk.  


Whether a citizen is a Democrat, Republican or Independent, the idea that citizens supporting their candidate of choice should be categorized as domestic terrorists is outrageous. The document is so inflammatory that the Lt. Governor of Missouri suspended the head state law enforcement officer in the Fusion Center.  It is also worth noting that the Oklahoma Fusion Center will develop privacy protocols.  One might reasonably ask why the privacy issues were not fully addressed before the Fusion Center became operational? 


However, the issue of the collecting, retaining and sharing of citizen's personal information is not unique to Fusion Centers.  Law enforcement in each state has information sharing agreements, not only with federal agencies/departments, but also with foreign entities and international organizations. 


 There is a literal web of Memorandums of Agreements, laws and other mechanisms such as participation in international organizations that has entrapped all Americans.  The most personal and sensitive information of Americans is being shared globally.  


Oklahoma’s SB 483


A prime example of such dangerous legislation that could lead to an international surveillance state is Oklahoma’s SB 483, which will authorize the Commissioner of Public Safety (DPS) the authority to enter into “agreements” with other state agencies and allow these other agencies “direct electronic access” to the DPS database of computerized photos.


Moreover, the Federal Department of Homeland Security is targeting such state databanks and clearly has stated it wants full access to them. It then intends to share them with international databanks. That is why every state must carefully consider the dangerous side-effects of such legislation being promoted as simply an answer to illegal immigration and terrorism.


As Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key says, such legislation is “incrementally putting into place systems that could, 1) violate citizens constitutional rights, 2) unintentionally harm innocent citizens, 3) allow for the continual effective dissolution of our rights enumerated in the Constitution.”        


Biometric data and Social Security numbers


The final piece of the puzzle is the third tier of legislation making rounds in several state legislatures that would prohibit state governments from collecting biometric samples/data and social security numbers of citizens who apply for driver's licenses. In direct opposition to bills such as SB 483, Oklahoma is considering such legislation which calls for the removal of existing biometric information and social security numbers from the state motor vehicle database. Such legislation is intended to protect our personal privacy.     


Under the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, states that comply with that law are required to collect the digital facial biometric samples of all citizens who apply for a state driver's license.  In layman's terms, this means you can be identified while walking down the street by a CCTV/surveillance camera.  Your facial image would be scanned and the image would be converted to biometric data and compared to images stored in state or federal databases, including your motor vehicle database. 


Again, in Oklahoma, some lawmakers have figured out the only way to stop the federal government and international organizations from getting their hands on citizens personal information is to stop collecting the information and putting it in state databases. 


It is important to note that the legislation does not impede Oklahoma law enforcement from collecting the information either through a search warrant or as a result of a person being charged with a crime.  One lawmaker stated it should not be a “novel” idea that the presumption of innocence is protected or that privacy means something.  A Pennsylvania lawmaker stated that we have been told many times since 9/11/2001 what privacy does not mean but we do not hear what it does mean. 


Abuse of power by the federal government is and has always been a concern.  Our forefathers addressed the potential for abuse in our Constitution.  Since the 1950's we have witnessed many abuses of power including revelations about what the FBI, NSA and DHS have been doing since 9/11/2001, invading personal privacy, monitoring phone calls, home invasion without notice or warrants, etc.


The abuses have become a pattern of complete disregard for our Constitution.  Russell Tice, a former NSA analyst who previously worked for Naval Intelligence and the Department of Defense came forward and stated American citizens were having their phone calls intercepted, emails read and financial transactions monitored.  He came forward because he said he did not want to live in a police state. 


The Inspector General of the Justice Department stated the FBI had abused National Security Letters and obtained information improperly.  The Inspector further stated the FBI was not forthright in disclosing all the National Security Letters it had issued.  In one three year period alone, the FBI was issuing an average of over 100 of the letters a day.  National Security Letters, by their very nature, avoid the need for search warrants.  Some in the U.S. Senate have accused DHS of "bullying" states to comply with the Real ID Act 2005.  DHS has been asked to adhere to what is known as FIPP (Fair Information Practice Principles) and yet has failed to do so.  FIPP requires, among other things, that there be transparency when information is being collected. 


Our driver's licenses are the link between everything we buy and sell. You need a driver's license for just about everything these days.  The vendor who produces 95% of all driver's licenses has proposed a Real ID Solutions driver's license in which a citizens “political party affiliation” would be on the face of the driver's license.  The same vendor, who happens to be the largest biometric company, made their biometric facial recognition technology available to the Red Chinese government.  The Communist Chinese did exactly what one would expect from a totalitarian state. They used the technology to identify dissidents -- people who were opposed to the policies of the government. Does that sound like the Missouri situation?


 Most Americans have never heard of Enhanced Driver's Licenses.  These licenses contain RFID chips that can allow for the tracking of people and also for "bad" guys to obtain your personal information by stealing your unique identification number contained on the chip and linking that number to your identity. The current Secretary of Homeland Security is on record saying she believes that Enhanced Driver's Licenses should be issued by all states. 


Consider DHS's pilot program that relies on a computer software program to help determine if you present a threat to our government.  This pilot computer program, called “Project Hostile Intent,” makes assessments about the way we walk and dress, as well as other behavioral characteristics.  The computer program will make a judgment as to whether or not you present a threat.  That means when you are walking down the street keep in mind that a camera lens could be pointed at you.  Make sure you are dressed "right" and do not walk in a funny manner.  What are the chances of you, or someone you care about, being picked out by the camera?  Considering the hundred's of millions of taxpayer dollars that DHS has released for CCTV/surveillance cameras the chances are getting better everyday that you won't be left out.  Cameras are going up so fast that they remind me of the postal mailboxes that used to be placed on about every block.  The cameras are everywhere. 


America is at a crossroads. States have finally awakened to rediscover their Constitutional powers in the Tenth Amendment, yet as they do so, they are also being pressured to surrender the liberty and privacy of every American in the name of security. Americans are concerned, listening, and are ready to take action. State lawmakers are also ready to listen. All citizens have to do is take a few minutes of their time to contact their state and national lawmakers and say enough is enough. 


Terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and other groups such as Hamas have trained hundred's of thousands of terrorists. Our intelligence community only knows the names of a very small percentage of these people.  The fact is that terrorists do not need driver's licenses to carry out acts of terrorism. They can use passports and international driver's licenses while in our country to facilitate their goals. Criminalizing all Americans into a surveillance state is not the answer.  


Legislation to protect us from the surveillance state is being considered in state legislatures across the country. Many states are rising up against implementation of Real ID. Others are passing resolutions to take a stand for state sovereignty. But others are going in the opposite direction with legislation to allow massive databanks of our most personal information to be shared internationally.


In Oklahoma there is still time.  The same is true in other states. Oklahoma residents should call their elected leaders in the state's House of Representatives and say they oppose SB 483. 


Every American should now call their state representatives and tell them to support Tenth Amendment legislation and any bills that would end the orgy of collecting and sharing of information, starting with citizens biometric information and social security numbers.   


These new efforts to create a surveillance society represent a threat to almost everything guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, from freedom of speech to freedom to be secure in our homes, to the freedom of being innocent until proven guilty. The time to stop it is now.  


 Tom DeWeese, President of American Policy Center ( and Mark Lerner, Executive Director, Stop Real ID Coalition (


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